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Find out about Swainswick in our latest blogs:
Ancient Egypt
This week, Hazel class have immersed themselves into Ancient Egyptian life by exploring the mummification process. The children had lots...
Welcome to Cookie and Biscuit!
Hazel Class have welcomed two new members to the class this week: the very special Cookie and Biscuit! The children have taken this very...
Bristol Muesum
Today, Hazel Class visited Bristol Museum to learn more about Ancient Egypt. We enjoyed viewing the exhibit and took part in a workshop,...
Phonics Workshop
Thank you to all the parents who made the latest phonics workshop. Your support with is really having an impact!
Online Safety Workshop with the Local Police
Another very important online safety workshop for parents. Thank you to Andri, who works tirelessly, from the local Police. We really...
Start of the day
Just a quick reminder, please ensure children arrive on time for the start of the school day. The staggered start begins at 8.30 am for...
The Ethos Council discussing our Christian Values post box.
The Ethos Council were busy planning our Spring Service in the church. This year, they have decided to include our Christian Values post...
Collective Worship with Reverend Dave - Compassion
It was lovely to discuss our Christian Values in the Spring sunshine this morning with Reverend Dave.
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