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Home Information for Parents - Late / Absence Procedure
Our Swainswick School attendance target this year is  95%
The School Day
All children enter the school through the main gate, which opens at 8:30 am and closes at 9.00 am. Registers are taken at the start of the day. Children arriving after 9:00 am must report to the office, where their arrival time and reason for lateness will be recorded.
The end to the day is staggered:
Apples class – 3.00 pm
Hazel Class - 3.10 pm
Oak Class - 3.15 pm
Parents or carers to collect their children from the designated area on the playground. Teachers and teaching assistants are responsible for ensuring that each child is collected by their parent or carer. If someone other than the usual parent or carer will be collecting your child, please inform the school office in advance to ensure the teacher is aware of the arrangement.
Absence Procedure
If a child is unwell, parents should notify the school office by email or phone before the start of the school day.
Parents are asked to follow Is my child too ill for school? - NHS regarding the appropriate length of time children should stay home if they have an infectious illness. If you are unsure of any of the guidance given in this document, please dont hesitate to contact us.
Punctuality and attendance are essential life skills.
Why is Punctuality Important?
Being on time:
Gets your day off to a good start and puts you in a positive frame of mind, so that you can make the most of your learning opportunities.
Sets positive patterns for the future. You can't expect to keep a job if you're always coming in late.
Leads to better achievement.
Leads to understanding that school is important, and education is valuable.
Helps you develop a sense of responsibility for yourself and towards others and is a sign of good character;
Is respectful to your teacher and to your classmates and builds good habits for later.
Is very important indeed. Research shows that attendance and punctuality are the single most important factors in school success
Helps your child regulate themselves and have the best start to their day.
What happens if a student is late?
1. The child must report to the school office and is signed in as ‘late’.
2. This record is transferred to the child’s personal record.
3. This record is monitored by the school and parents or carers are contacted if there is regular lateness.
4. The school may request advice from the Children Missing Education Service (CMES) and continuous lateness may be considered in line with the schools safeguarding procedures. 
Absence Requests
We encourage children to attend school every day. However, we understand that there may be circumstances requiring time off and we want to be able to support families as much as we can with this. These situations should be discussed with the Headteacher in advance and will only be authorised in exceptional cases.
Term-time holidays will not be authorised, as any absence from school will impact your child's progress.
If you would like to take your child out of school, we ask that you complete the following document.
We are committed to working as a team with families to fully support pupil's learning.  We will always encourage open communication about this.  If there are issues affecting or could potentially affect a child’s attendance and their learning, please do reach out to the school.
​Here is the Leave of Absence form should you want to request leave during term time.
Other important documents
Approach to good attendance and punctuality