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Swainswick Safeguarding Team

Everyone who works or volunteers in school has a duty to keep children safe and to inform the Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mr Swarbrooke) if they have any concerns about the welfare of a child. In Mr Swarbrooke's absence, Mrs Didcott or Miss Hitchcock deputise (Deputy Safeguarding Leads). Mrs Helen Roberts is our link governor for safeguarding and child protection and can be contacted via the school.

The documents and links below have been assembled to enable staff and volunteers to carry out their duties in relation to safeguarding and child protection.




School Policies​:



Visitor and Volunteer leaflet
























Key Government documents and links:



What do you do if you have concerns about a child or young person?


The first step is to speak to the class teacher unless the concern is urgent and you are worried about the safety of a child or young person, then please contact the school Designated Safeguarding Team.




NSPCC | The UK children's charity | NSPCC



This is the NSPCC guidance on 'what to do if you suspect abuse':


We use the NSPCC PANTS resources to teach the children how to stay safe from abuse:

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