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Welcome to Hazel Class

Hazel Class Team

  • Miss Hitchcock (Teacher)

  • Mr Rouse (PE and Forest School)

  • Mrs Tiller  (Teaching Assistant and Teacher)



We aim to hear each child read at least once per week through guided reading. Guided reading throughout the week will involve independent reading, group reading and guided reading with a teacher in a small group.  

At home, please record the date and title of the book in their reading record book when you read with them.  Reading at home with (and also, to) your child has a hugely positive impact on their confidence and progress, so thank you for all your continued support with this. 


Homework is set every Friday and due in the following Wednesday. Each week, homework will include spellings, times tables and either English or Maths homework.  This year we are using the Collins SPAG and Maths books for homework. 

Spellings are taken from the National Curriculum ‘Common Exception’ words and the spelling patterns we have been learning during the week. They will then have a short weekly test to check their progress, every Friday. We will then practise any mistakes during handwriting practice later that day. The key skills sheet is purely to help you practise at home with your child and is not going to be marked.  Children do not have to use the sheets, they may prefer a different way to memorise their spellings such as mnemonics, spelling patterns or even singing!  

On the other side of the spellings sheet is a times table or number bond task. This is a daily practise to help children rapidly recall number facts. We will also use these in school every day.  


Show and Tell: 

At the moment we ask that show and tell items are not brought into school.   Instead are excited to introduce 'Talent Tuesday'! Every Tuesday a group of children are encouraged to share a talent with the class. This could be anything from magic tricks, a singing, ballet or even art work! We record every Talent Tuesday and upload videos to the website so that you can share this moment at home. 

Uniform and Coats:

Please ensure that all of your child’s belongings have name labels on. In the summer, we ask that the children bring a hat to school during the hot weather and as we enter the cooler months, please can children bring a coat to school.  



PE will take place on Wednesdays (with Miss Stone) and Fridays (with Mr Rouse).  Please ensure that your chid wears their PE kit and trainers to school on these days.  

Water bottles and Fruit Snacks:

Please make sure that your child has a named water bottle that can be left at school, so that they can readily access water in class and at playtimes, whenever they need it.  This is especially important during the summer.  

Thank you for your continued support of the healthy snacks rule.  We also provide a piece of fruit for every child in the afternoon.  Please remember NO NUTS for snacks or lunches. 


If there is anything at all that you would like to discuss regarding your child, please either speak to us at the end of the school day or contact the school at, and we will respond as soon as possible either via email or phone call.  


Have a look at our latest adventures in learning

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