Why choose Swainswick . . . . ​
There are many benefits for your child to attend a small school with mixed year groups.
Firstly we believe positive, caring relationships that are based on shared values underpin and create our strong sense of community. Being a small village school with just 84 pupils, we are in the unique position to know our individual children and families very well indeed. We believe, through nurturing, celebrating and supporting our children’s individual needs pupils feel valued and known.
Small schools and mixed year groups provide wonderful opportunities for the child to interact with all pupils regardless of their age. Our children are confident, have good cooperation skills and able to establish positive relationships. Together with a growth mind set attitude and philosophy, mixed year groups enable our children to embrace challenge with a smile.
But isn't it hard to get to Swainswick?
No. Despite our rural setting, Swainswick is only a 20 minute walk from Larkhall. In the warmer months the beautiful country lane to the school is full of children happily running along with their friends and parents chatting.
Parents who need to drive stop either at the end of Innox Lane or near the bus turning in Upper Swainswick village and park and stride the rest of the way.
Children can be dropped off from 8:30 in the morning, and after school there is wraparound care available from Swainswick Explorers.
Furthermore in order to support parents we are currently planning to provide a bus service together with a breakfast club.
Our parents think the school is worth the effort - why don't you come and see why!

How do Mixed Classes Work?
Swainswick Children are taught in shared year group classes. "
Mixed age classes are a joy to teach and have many advantages. For a start, the younger children learn from the older ones and aspire to emulate them, while the older children develop greater independence, self-motivation, responsibility and leadership skills.
Moreover, spending more than one year in class means that the children are already settled and established after the first year and get off to a flying start in subsequent years. It is also now acknowledged that putting children into sets according to ability is ineffective as it limits expectations. It follows, therefore, that mixed age and mixed ability classes allow fluidity and open-ended development.
Sam Carr, Lecturer In Education at the University of Bath & Father at Swainswick School, adds:
“Like many small rural schools, learning at Swainswick takes place in mixed-age classrooms. We believe that this aspect of our classrooms is a valuable part of our educational provision. In some of the most progressive education systems and schools across the world mixed-age classrooms are (according to educational research) increasingly viewed as “cutting-edge” educational practice that helps to foster a child-centered school culture. Some of the key advantages of such classrooms are that:
Longer time spent together means that children and teachers have more time to develop a close bond and children feel “known.”
Children are more likely to form friendships across age groups, facilitating a more inclusive school culture.
Children are more likely to learn how to co-operate, support, and care for each other.”
Real Experiences​
The children at Swainswick have real experiences…
For example, the nativity and church services are always held in an actual church, St Mary’s next to the school. The annual school play is always held at a beautiful local theatre; The Rondo in Larkhall and Forest School is held in a real forest, which is just a five minute walk away from the school.
Every experience a child enjoys at Swainswick is real and tangible.
Swainswick is set in the beautiful Woolley Valley, this environment is an idyllic place to explore and learn during your childhood. The children spend a lot of time outside surrounded by nature. Find out more about our Forest School Fridays here.

See how others describe us ...
The Bath & Wiltshire Parent magazine visited Swainswick (before the coronavirus pandemic) and wrote a feature on us for their Autumn 2020 edition.
You can read it in full here.