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Welcome to Oak Class

Oak Class Team

  • Mrs Coleman (Teacher)

  • Mr Gibbons (Year 4 and Oak class Teacher)

  • Mr Rouse (PE and Forest School)

  • Miss McGrann (Teaching Assistant) 


The Year 4 children have separate lessons for maths and English with Mr Gibbons (in the Acorn Room next door to the main classroom). Year 4, 5 and 6 are together in the afternoons.

This Term we are . . .

Terms 5 and 6 Oak Class.jpg


We are keen that the children should develop greater independence and organisational skills, and to this end we would be grateful if you would help them hand in their homework on time and bring their reading record to school.  This is especially important for the Year 6 children as part of their preparation for moving up to secondary school. The routine is as follows:


Home Reading and Communication Record

In this book, children and/or parents write a comment, and parents sign. This gives us an opportunity to have an overview of the children’s reading and to discuss it with them.  


Please make sure that the book is at school on Mondays.  


Spelling Homework

This is set on Friday and to be handed in by the following Wednesday ready for a spelling test.  Children will need to write out their spelling words at least 3 times, using their best joined handwriting and a sharpened pencil.  It is a good idea to check the worksheet for correct copying of the words.  


Sometimes the children rush this practice and end up learning the spellings incorrectly!  As a guide, this activity should take 5 minutes, 3 times a week.  

These strategies are useful to help with memorising the spellings:


Maths Homework

This is set on Friday and to be handed in by the following Wednesday.  Each week the children will need to complete a worksheet that has three parts.  

Part A – contains number and symbol questions.  

Part B – contains questions where mathematical language is used.  

Part C – contains written questions that involve one- or two-step problem solving.  

It is likely that there are questions on the worksheet that your child has not covered in the classroom.  Please just encourage your child to do their best, check the answers on the back of the sheet and, if you feel confident, talk through any corrections. This activity should take about 20 minutes.


Topic Homework

This is set once a term.  This is a wonderful way for the children to explore an idea that interests them and to present it in a creative way.  Look out for our Open Classroom at the end of the topic when you are invited to come in and celebrate the children’s learning. 


Please also help your child to keep their full school PE kit in school at all times.  PE will usually take place on Wednesdays and Fridays, but there will be extra events or changes to the timetable. 


Full PE kit comprises:

  • Trainers or daps

  • Blue/black shorts for summer, jogging bottoms/leggings for winter

  • School House PE T-shirt or polo shirt

  • Spare socks for the girls if they are wearing tights

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