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School Dinners ​


Our school meals will be provided by Chartwells at St Saviours Infant School, whose aim is to provide a well-balanced, freshly prepared meal - using only locally sourced  ingredients. We are happy to inform you that the cost of a meal will still only be £2.90. 


Vegetarian and other special diets can be catered for.  Please click on the following link to complete a special diets form.


If you wish your child to take school lunches please order from the Office and pay weekly or half termly in advance, via

the online school payment system.

The cost of dinners is currently £2.60 a day.


Please click on this link to see the current menu. 


Please let the School Office know if you would like your children to try school dinners before making a decision.


B&NES Free School Meals Eligibility Checking service now has a new Free School Meals web page on the B&NES website with a link to an online benefit related free school meal application form which can be found using the following link:


Below is a list of qualifying benefits for free school meals.


  • Universal Credit (provided you have an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400, as assessed by earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment periods)

  • Income Support   

  • Income-Based Jobseekers Allowance

  • Income Related Employment Support Allowance

  • Child Tax Credit (WITHOUT Working Tax Credit) and have and annual household income (as assessed by HMRC) below £16,190

  • Run-on Working Tax Credit which is only paid for 4 weeks after you STOP qualifying for Working Tax Credit

  • The Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit

  • Support under PartV1 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999



Please ask in the office for further information.



Packed Lunch


Children who prefer to bring a packed lunch may do so.  It should be in a plastic container clearly marked with the child’s name. Cold drinks, either water or fruit juice should be brought in a leakproof plastic container.


Water is always provided as part of the lunchtime routine, and there is free access to water throughout the day.


Following government nutrition guidelines, we ask that you don’t give your child crisps or crisp type snacks, chocolate, sweets, or chocolate biscuits in their lunch box.


As part of our current school policy, we also ask that you don’t give your child nuts or peanut butter sandwiches, as we have children in school who suffer from nut allergies.





Any child under 5 years of age is entitled to free school milk. This stops when children become 5, and they are given a drink of water instead. Each child has their own named beaker, and has access to water throughout the day.



Fruit Snack


We are committed to encouraging children to develop healthy eating habits.  At mid morning break we ask that all children bring a piece of fruit or vegetable to eat for their snack. It is often helpful to have this cut up at home and put in a named container.

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