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Welcome to Apple Class

Welcome to Apple Class!  


We are taught by Mrs Martin, and are spectacularly supported by Ms Gibbard. As a mix of Reception and Year 1, much of our learning is steeped in play and child-led activities. We seamlessly follow on from the Reception year, continuing to develop the skills and attitudes that will allow us to thrive as we move forward through the school.


This page focuses on our Year 1 children – for more information about Reception’s curriculum please see our EYFS page.


Our topic this term is Food, glorious food!  

Our Curriculum​


​Reading and Phonics 

We follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised scheme. Year 1 begin with a quick review of their Reception learning, and by October half term are well on their way to exploring Phase 5. This gets them very ready for the summer term screening. The screening itself is low-pressure and delivered to meet the unique needs of each child. More information is shared with parents and carers nearer the time. We closely and continuously assess the children within our teaching, to ensure that everyone is ‘keeping up’ – getting rid of the need for any catch up down the line! 



We are excited to have started Drawing Club. Year 1 children explore the 3 M’s – mark making, making conversations and mathematics by immersing themselves in exciting texts and illustrations. We coat our literacy with new vocabulary – the more obscure the better! At Swainswick, teachers and young writers alike are passionate about a pleasure for literacy, and using Drawing club as a basis for our daily writing has been invaluable for our Year 1 children.  



We follow White Rose Maths planning. This covers the national curriculum, and children are encouraged to lead their own learning by selecting helpful resources, making connections and asking questions. Year 1 begins in the concrete – using blocks and other physical resources to represent number before moving on to the pictorial and abstract depictions. Following this scheme in our Swainswick way allows children to maintain excellent knowledge and dive into deeper reasoning.  


Getting outdoors 

As well as having our very well-resourced indoor classroom, we also have an exciting outdoor area offering a covered workspace, astroturf construction area, mud kitchen-café, art boards, giant tyres, water systems and plenty of space to play and explore. The larger playground is also a brilliant space for playing with the older children and getting the bikes out! 


We are lucky to be situated in the heart of beautiful countryside. We take full advantage of the natural world on our doorstep, with regular walks out into the valley and many days spent jumping in puddles – don’t forget your wellies! 


Key Information 



Children have 1.5 hours of PE on a Friday afternoon (12:45-2.15). They should come to school on Friday morning in their PE kit, with suitable trainers. We also have a gross motor skills session outdoors on a Wednesday afternoon. PE kit on Wednesdays is optional, as this often includes playground games and bicycles that can be accessed in school uniform.   


Reading Books  

  • Books are changed on a Thursday.   

  • Children will be given their phonics book, which they will have had support with in class, and a class library book, which an adult at home can read to them for enjoyment.   

  • Please bring your child’s book bag to school every day, with their reading diary filled in for the day before. Any comments should be about their phonics book.   



Please ensure children come to school with a water bottle every day. In the colder months children should have jumpers, trousers or tights, and warm waterproof jackets. Where it is warmer and UV is high, please apply suncream in the morning before school. Children should bring hats to school.   


Show and Tell  

Children are allowed to bring a toy, photograph, artefact or other special item to talk about on their designated Wednesday. This should be small enough to fit in their bag and will be looked after on Mrs Martin’s desk during the day. Dates are shared at the start of each new term.  

Have a look at our latest adventures in learning

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