Good Homework Habits
Following on from the meet the teacher sessions last week, where expectations for homework were discussed, here are some helpful tips that you can talk about with your child.
Find a quiet place at home to use as a homework area. It needs a flat surface, a good light source and the right equipment e.g. pens, pencils, ruler.
Create a homework timetable and agree on when your child will do their homework (this is particularly important for Year 6 children in preparation for secondary school).
Discuss any homework tasks with your child and how it connects with what they are studying at school.
Turn off the TV, but you could have music on if they find it helpful.
Don’t give your child the answer in order to get a task finished. Instead, explain how to look up information or find a word in a dictionary.
Don’t let homework become a chore. Keep it fun and make it a special time that you both look forward to.
If you have any questions or need some advice please speak to your class teacher.