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​Our vision for PSHE at Swainswick is to help develop children’s understanding of themselves and the world around them, helping them to develop into confident, well-rounded individuals who are confident with their role as global citizens. Our broad and balance curriculum is inclusive of every child and provides the opportunity for children to flourish.


At Swainswick, our intent is that our PSHE curriculum ensures that children are fully equipped to handle daily life and challenges, and help them to become confident global citizens.


Our curriculum provides children with opportunities to learn about rights and responsibilities, diversity, and being an active part of the community. This enables us to provide a targeted curriculum and help children reach their full potential emotionally, intellectually, morally, socially and spiritually.


Where appropriate, our curriculum drivers (well-being, effective communication, creativity and expression and global responsibility) are woven throughout our Mathematics curriculum to enhance learning and promote positive attitudes to learning which reflects the values and skills needed to promote responsibility for life-long learning and success.  

Our curriculum

Swainswick uses the JIGSAW learning scheme to support our teaching, ensuring that we meet national curriculum requirements and fully support the needs of our pupils. The curriculum is split into 6 unit titles: Being me in my world, celebrating difference, dreams and goals, healthy me, relationships, and changing me. Every class will complete the same unit. These units are then planned out to show clear progression of knowledge and progression of skills continuously building on prior learning. Our key concepts are visible in every unit.


This scheme of work also links to the British Values; Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC). 


This enables us to provide a targeted curriculum and help children reach their full potential emotionally, intellectually, morally, socially and spiritually.


Each class teaches PSHE once a week, splitting children into year groups to ensure that learning is targeted by age and readiness. Work is recorded and shared through ‘floor books’.  These books enable children to record their responses in a reflect and personal way.


At Swainswick, we also ensure that our PSHE, British Values and SMSC are taught and explored through whole school and class assemblies.

Key documents



“She has really benefited from the different ages mixing, she often talks of the older children.

We feel all the staff know her, which is so special.” 

—  Name, Title

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