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Our vision for RE at Swainswick is to support children in developing knowledge, understanding and respect for religion and religious traditions, enabling children to be global citizens in a diverse world. Our curriculum and community works together to nurture spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of each child to build a sense of identity.

R.E. at Swainswick

Through our RE curriculum: 

We intend to make learning in Religious Education meaningful and help prepare children to live in a diverse world and ensure that appropriate knowledge is imparted to all children and that all children have the opportunity to engage with ultimate questions and grow a range of social, spiritual and emotional skills.


At Swainswick, we aim to educate children about major world faiths, inspiring curiosity, respect and understanding. We ensure that a range of religions and beliefs are taught to the children throughout school in a supportive and positive learning environment with enriching experiences,


Where appropriate, our curriculum drivers (well-being, effective communication, creativity and expression and global responsibility) are woven throughout our RE curriculum to enhance learning and promote positive attitudes to learning which reflects the values and skills needed to promote responsibility for life-long learning and success. 


Our RE curriculum is supported by the Understanding Christianity syllabus and the Awareness, Mystery and Value (2019) Syllabus. This curriculum shows progression in knowledge, concepts and understanding of major world religions.





“She has really benefited from the different ages mixing, she often talks of the older children.

We feel all the staff know her, which is so special.” 

—  Name, Title

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