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At Swainswick Primary School, Science inspires curiosity and encourages children to by confident, curious and enthusiastic life-long learners who are aware of their role as global citizens.


Our intent for Science at Swainswick is to provide a high quality science curriculum that encourages children to explore the physical and natural world around them and supports children to find out the answers to their questions by developing key scientific skills and enquiry. This will provide children with the ability to access and engage in the wider world at a deeper level.


Where appropriate, our curriculum drivers (well-being, effective communication, creativity and expression and global responsibility) are woven throughout our Science curriculum to enhance learning and promote positive attitudes to learning which reflects the values and skills needed to promote responsibility for life-long learning and success.  


Through our science units, children develop the skills for scientific enquiry, and become confident in conducting their own investigations. This means children can predict what might happen, analyse results, communicate their understanding using the key terminology, learn to question and discuss real-life issues and understand how science in the past has impacted our understanding of the world today.


Our staff deliver high quality teaching and engaging learning experiences. This motivates children to extend their learning and use a secure foundation of knowledge to explain how and why natural phenomena occur.  Children will be immersed in scientific vocabulary, which will deepen their understanding of the topic and the world around them.


By the time our children leave Swainswick, our children will be confident, curious and enthusiastic life-long learners who are aware of their role as global citizens.


“She has really benefited from the different ages mixing, she often talks of the older children.

We feel all the staff know her, which is so special.” 

—  Name, Title

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