Walking Wednesdays with Olly & Carolione
Olly & Caroline (Kit's Parents - Year 1) are now operating a Walking Bus after school on Wednesday afternoons.
They will be picking children up from Swainswick at 3.30 & accompanying them to Larkhall Square, from where they can be collected at 4.15.
The route has been risk assessed & all children will wear high-visibility tabards & hold onto a safety rope.
The bus is completely free & available on an ad-hoc basis. Please contact Olly or Caroline by Wednesday lunch-time each week to give your consent & contact details.
Why? We are really keen for our children to lead the way on the green agenda & showcase positive solutions for the Climate Emergency.
It also means a later pick-up time, closer to home!
All children are welcome to use the bus - although reception children should be accompanied by a parent or guardian the first time they come to be sure they are happy walking the distance. A few Year 1 children have already done the walk with Kit in the last few weeks & everyone was surprisingly adept!
If anybody would like to volunteer to run the bus another day of the week, please speak to Olly or Caroline.
Thank you.