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An Overview of our Curriculum


The Whole School Curriculum

Through working together as a whole school, we can ensure that the curriculum is exciting, real and relevant for our children.


We provide detailed information on our curriculum approach (intent- implementation - impact) and progression maps for each subject in the 'Our Curriculum' section below.​


We also teach the important spiritual, moral, social and cultural values across the school.



In their first year of school, your child will follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. This is the same curriculum that your child followed at nursery, which allows for continuity during their first year of school.


There are seven areas of learning and your child’s class teacher will plan learning opportunities to fulfil all these areas by the time they leave Reception.


Teaching Early Reading and Writing

The teaching of Phonics is an integral part of the curriculum in both the Foundation and Key Stage 1 classrooms at Swainswick Primary.


We follow the Dept. of Education validated scheme Little Wandle


We ensure that our teaching of phonics is rigorous, structured and enjoyable. Children have discrete, daily phonics sessions where they are introduced to new phonemes, can practice and revise previous learning and have plenty of opportunities to apply the knowledge they have.


We use a range of multisensory strategies to enthuse and engage the children, including the use of interactive whiteboards, magnetic letters, speaking and listening, songs, rhymes and practical activities. Children work with pace and are encouraged to apply their knowledge across the curriculum with any reading or writing activities.


Alongside the teaching of Phonics, children have access to a language rich environment where they are able to apply their decoding skills and develop language comprehension in order to ‘read’.


Our Reception and Year 1 teachers meets with parents for workshops to share our approach to teaching phonics, reading and writing, and how parents can support at home. This includes reading regularly, practising word cards and learning spellings when appropriate.


Year 1 Phonic Screening

In the Summer Term of Year 1 your child will sit a national phonics’ screening test which is administered nationally.


Year 1 – Year 6

All children from Year 1 to Year 6 are taught the Key Skills which are outlined in the National curriculum for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, which was updated in 2014. The subjects are;

  • English,

  • Mathematics,

  • Science,

  • ICT,

  • History,

  • Geography,

  • Art, Design and Music, 

  • Physical Education.


In addition to these subjects your child will be taught Religious Education, Personal, Social and Health Education. French is taught to all children across Key Stage 2.





Changing Termly Themes

Each term your child’s curriculum will be based on a theme which will match your child’s interests and age. There will be opportunities for your child to have an input into the curriculum and also for them to experience first-hand experiences through educational visits and practical activities. 


Religious Education

Religious Education is provided in accordance with current legislation and the recommendations of the Bath & Wells Multi-Academy Trust,


We encourage children to develop a caring and tolerant attitude towards people with beliefs different from their own.  We introduce the children to all world religions, with a secure understanding of Christianity.  Assemblies, in accordance with current requirements, contain a broadly Christian act of worship.  


We believe it important to support parents in developing the spiritual and moral values of their child and we respect the beliefs and faith of all families.  


If parents wish to withdraw their children from worship or R.E., we ask that they visit the school to discuss our policy.  They will be given opportunities to be involved in appropriate alternative activities. Reverend Dave is a regular visitor in school, and leads weekly Collective Worship.


How Children Are Assessed

Children are assessed at the end of the reception year in all areas of development.


At the end of Year 1 they have a phonics check.


Assessment of children’s progress, in all areas of the curriculum, is carried out by the class teacher throughout their time in school, with formal assessment and reporting at the end of each key stage. At Key Stages 1 and 2, formal assessment includes both Assessment Checks and Teacher Assessments.


These regular assessments help our teachers to understand which topics the children have understood thoroughly and identify areas that require more support. Ongoing assessment is carried out in a low-key way and children are often not aware they are being assessed, instead tackling these exercises as a normal part of classwork.


If you would like further information on the curriculum please speak to your child’s teacher or contact the office.

Our Curriculum


Curriculum Intent Statement

At Swainswick Primary School the curriculum is designed to:

  • constantly build upon children’s prior learning,

  • provide first hand learning experiences,

  • allow the children to develop interpersonal skills, build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers.


Every child is recognised as a unique individual. We celebrate and welcome differences within our school community. The ability to learn is underpinned by the teaching of basic skills, knowledge, concepts and values.


We constantly provide enhancement opportunities to engage learning through using 5 curriculum drivers:

  • Learning Behaviours,

  • Global Responsibility,

  • Wellbeing,

  • Creativity, and Expression

  • Effective Comunication


Our 1st central curriculum driver ‘Learning Behaviours’ promotes independence and positive attitudes to learning which reflect the values and skills needed to promote responsibility for life-long learning and future success.  


In addition, local and global community involvement is an essential part of our curriculum as we celebrate traditions, learning new skills to enable the children to take an active role in events throughout the year.  Children leave Swainswick Primary with a sense of belonging to a tightly knit community where they have the confidence and skills to make decisions, self-evaluate, make connections and become lifelong learners.


Our curriculum drivers, aims and implementation statement are explored in more detail here:

Whole School Curriculum Development (Intent - Implementation - Impact)


Underpinning our whole school curriculum is our detailed approach and planning for each subject. The links below provide more information on. our intent, implementation and impact, and progression maps in each subject.


Swainswick Curriculum (


Swainswick Wider Curriculum (









Swainswick Curriculum Diagram.png


“She has really benefited from the different ages mixing, she often talks of the older children.

We feel all the staff know her, which is so special.” 

—  Name, Title

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