Maths Training for Teachers
This week, it was a pleasure to welcome back Sarah Savage, a mathematics specialist for BANES, to work with the school again.
Last year, Sarah worked regularly with the school on building the children’s fluency in maths and their reasoning and problem solving skills. She was therefore very pleased to return to the school to see the fantastic progress that the pupils and teachers had made. Carrying out a learning walk with Miss Hitchcock (our mathematics lead) she was delighted to see the children’s positive attitude to mathematics and the progress they were making. In addition she remarked on how the Swainswick children are always so engaged and positive in their learning.
This year, as part of our school improvement plan, we have identified greater depth in mathematics as an area to focus upon. Sarah spent time working with the teachers and looking at strategies and question starters to incorporate into our teaching in order to challenge and deepen the pupils thinking and understanding of mathematical concepts.